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Thanks for your support and Holly will officially join the Kitty Tripawds on Monday!

Well after hours of research, numberous calls and emails to Oncologists, and the unbelievably kind support from this community, Holly will have surgery and officially join the compassionate Tripawds Kitty community on Monday, January 6th.  It was perhaps the hardest decision we have had to make to date, which is saying a lot since my husband and I are in our mid 50’s.  My cats are just as important as my human sons and Holly is my one and only, precious, little girl.  She is a feral cat and naturally shy with all humans except our family and she is as sweet as she is pretty.  She has never bitten anyone and I have only heard her hiss once (when she had the biopsy of her tumor), most likely since she was on pain medication.  All veterinary personnel comment on how sweet and gentle that she is, which makes this so very hard.  I know that the decision is the best decision for my pretty, little girl, and all the oncologists agree, but the thought of the impending surgery weighs heavily on me still.  Like all good cat parents, I obtained a second and third opinion, in my quest to cover all the bases.  In my heart, I prayed for a kitty miracle, where she could keep her leg, but that was not in the kitty cards.  Instead, I have become a mini expert on all things sarcoma (not my idea of fun), and to top it off, I had to choose to either amputate or radiate.  In the end, with amazing help from Vet and Tripawds Angels, we chose life without cancer for Holly and I am sure it is the BEST decision we could make, just not the EASIEST decision. I realize that everyone has many things to pray for at night and I am not sure that I should even ask for this, but I love Holly soooo much that I will do this anyways:  PLEASE say a little prayer for my sweet, little Holly girl so that she has a great recovery from her surgery on Monday.  Her surgeon, will be Dr. Steven Abel, who I have not met, but will also ask that you pray with me that he be at the top of his skills for her surgery on Monday.  I believe in collective good will and kharma, and appreciate anything that you do.  I will pay this kindness forward as well.  Thanks to all my new friends, for all that you have already done and I pray that you all have an amazing 2014 filled with love and good health for your  2, 3 and 4 legged family members.


Karen and Al, Holly’s grateful parents

10 Responses to “Thanks for your support and Holly will officially join the Kitty Tripawds on Monday!”

  1. Holly is so beautiful!!

    Prayers and healing thoughts are sent to your whole family for a great surgery, clean margins and a speedy recovery.

    Love You Holly!!

    Darcy & Bart

    • Thanks Darcy and Bart, I agree, and Bart is very handsome as well! Thanks so much for your support and kind wishes. I cried when I read this, it touched me that much. The love you shared gives me a sense that she will be ok. My husband said it best, “it is so hard to take her leg, when she seems so perfect!”. I get it, but I also know that clean margins are the best outcome we can hope for, and the clock began in November, when she had her first biopsy. The next 3 days will be very difficult, but my family WILL be strong for Holly when the time comes. All of you Angels are there for my baby girl, and that makes a world of difference.

      Have an Angelic and wonderful weekend!
      Karen and Al, parents of a loved and “beautiful”, Holly

  2. Good luck on Monday!
    My little pug Maggie had mast cell cancer and lost her left rear leg. She was a stubborn pug who hated change. She was grumpy for about 6 weeks after her surgery. No medical complications, just obstinate! But she came around and hopped happily through life for almost 4 years. If Mag could deal with it any critter can!
    It was hard to see that amputation was the solution for Mag, her tumor was not causing her pain. And when she was unhappy for so long, well I was sure I had made the wrong decision. I know now that without the amp she would not have lived as long.
    Sending strong, positive thought your way.

    Karen and Spirit Maggie

    • Thanks, from one Karen to another. I can see that Maggie’s spirit has lived on through you, her loving and amazing Mom. She was a very lucky, stubborn pug. I know that the challenges are just beginning, and the easiest one – not sleeping well for weeks – has only been the first. Believe it or not, I actually feel at peace about moving forward with amputation, thanks to Dr. Gangnon and Dr. Greene, Holly’s 2 oncologists. Still don’t want to do it!!! Dr. Greene was kind enough to say that if Holly was hers, she would amputate, rather than radiate. Talk about a caring veterinarians, these vets have given me a renewed faith in mankind, as you and all the Tripawd’s community have as well. My resolution was to be FEARLESS in ’14, and here is where the rubber meets the road! I feel the love and strength that you have sent to Al and I, and encourage everyone to continue to send positive energy to Holly through the weekend! She is “our pretty girl”!

      Karen and Al, Holly’s struggling pawrents.


    I am sooo sorryyoj are havng to experience this and I am soo glad you are now movng forward with a plan that wil give Holly QUALITY like you wouldn’t believe!!

    My apologies for not being able to respond to your first blog! This stupid tablet just would not cooperate!

    I could relate so much to what you said about so many things. I also put food out to feral cats, spay and nueter as can, and love eatching all the raccoon s, ‘possums’ even a ocassional fox stop by for “dinner”

    You a d your loved ones have had a ver tough year. This s ow 2014 and it’s time for good things to happen!

    I agonized-..AGONIZED…and sobbed hysterically for weeks over doing this amputation! And for Happy Hannah, recovery was no picnic (cats generaly have a much easier time..still not ready to party right away though)! I didn’t have this site at first…and t’s just muself, my animal family…and I’m way past fifty!

    I frst posted on here at day six after amputation convinced I had made a horrible decison! Out of my mi d with panic! This site pulled me back from the edge with a life line and I’ve stayed connected to them ever since!! They promised me it would get better, they promised me this was “normal” fr a rough recovery……AL and KAREN, it was THE BEST DECISION EVER!!

    My Happy Hannah jst celebrated her ten month ampuversary and is movng forward (knocking on wood over here)! We are having THE best time just loving, spoiling, hugging, laughing, playing and enjoying every sacred treasured moment! Everyday is a gift! Let NOTHING rob you of your time together, okay?

    Holly picked you for a reason…and now you know why. She wanted to know what it felt like to be loved, to feel devotion, to know hapiness! Just as mich as she is a gift to you…you are a gift to her.

    And as you already have found out…yo are NOT alone! Welcome to yor new family! We are with yo every step of the way, okay!

    Try not t worry…yeah, right! But if you find yourself worrying, eat tons and tons of chocolate! I mean non-stop shoveling in the chocolate! You will feel better! Throw a little ice cream on top while you’re at it!

    Surrouding you with serenity, love and lots of healing hugs!

    Love and light,

    Sally and Happy Hannah

    • Again tears of humility fill my eyes from your unbelievable support and compassion, Sally and Happy Hannah! The Agony will surely continue until I have successfully navigated through this journey with my dear Holly. It becomes harder and harder to be with her, knowing that unbeknownst to her, she will lose one of her legs in 3 days and counting….. I feel so sad for her, and it’s so hard not to cry. That is when I curl up with my laptop and read the heartfelt and supportive comments. which allow me to get through another moment. They say to live in the moment, but somehow, I have dreams of umping past this time to late February or early March – the FUTURE! Your empathy means everything, and for that I am forever grateful. I just wish I could actually meet you and Hannah or any of the Angels on this forum. Lacking that, I will just be grateful for your sentiments of love and your gift of inspiration.

      With love and appreciation,
      Karen and Al, lucky pawrents of Holly

  4. Hi Karen and Al

    You will not regret this tremendously important decision you have made for Holly – because it was made with all of the love you have for her!

    The first few weeks will be rough….but know that you have made the best choice for Holly.

    Tucker, my wonderful nine year old chocolate lab, had his front right leg amputated three months ago and he has done very well….his life is a bit different e.g. no more really long walks….but I am so glad that he is still part of my life and that he has adapted so well to being a tripawd.

    Good Luck on Monday….Holly will be in excellent hands with the surgeon though and I have complete faith that all will go well.


    Linda and Tucker

    • Hi Linda and Tucker,

      Thanks for your support and although I know you are completely right about this decision, it will probably never feel good. All my life I have chosen to take the correct choice, no matter how hard the road ahead was. I have always said that a clean conscious has been my reward, but for obvious reasons, this is very different. I am changing her world in a profound way, without being able to ask her. When I am really low, I think about those brave people who had legs amputated in the Boston Marathon tragedy and I say that this is kinda like that. My only brush with cancer was when my Dad dies after a 7 month struggle with lymphoma of the small intestine 1 1/2 years ago. That was very hard and I guess that is making this that much harder. With all of you Angels on this community, I have had so much support that I am confident I can find the strength to get through this. I was devastated by being laid off in August of last year, but I know see that there was a good reason for me to be around for both my husband and now Holly. I appreciate you reaching out to me and I wish you and Tucker a happy and long life’

      Hugs to you both,
      Karen and Al, Holly’s anxious pawrents

  5. Hi there Karen, Al and beautiful Holly. I have just returned after a week or so offline to see another gorgeous kitty about to have the surgery. My cat Deva had her right front leg removed (bone cancer). We are just coming up to one month next week. I know just how stressful this journey is – and while you wait for the surgery to happen. Like many others have said, the first week or so is the hardest, then it gets so much better. I was so surprised at how quickly Deva recovered and now we are getting into a new routine. I was the same – did loads of research. I read that torties have tortitude – this will help your lovely kitty to be a fighter! Sending you lots and lots of love and hugs across the miles. Wishing you all successful surgery and healing after.
    Treacy and Deva

    • Hi Treacy and Deva,

      I was so happy to read your comment today, as I was getting teary again. I go in and out of crying all the time now, which is hard for my loving husband, Al who is still recovering from his full hip replacement surgery. I try to be strong, but my emotions are at the surface all the time. Holly seems really great lately, which also makes this hard. We know what is coming and she does not, seems so strange. I am cleaning the house and still preparing for the big day. I will look up this tortitude that torties have. She certainly is a touch little girl! Thanks so much for your well wishes and you have no idea how much this helps, or maybe you do, being only one month since your car Deva had surgery. You and Deva are another welcomed inspiration. To be honest, I am having second, third, and forth reservations about doing this, but I realize this is the RIGHT choice.

      With love and hugs back,
      Karen and Al, Holly’s struggling pawrents

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Holly's journey to become a super tripawd kitty!! is brought to you by Tripawds.