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Tomorrow is my sweet Holly’s surgery day!

Time has gone be both quickly, sadly and slowly, which is worse.  I find I spend as much time as I can with Holly as a 4 pawed cat, imagining how she will play, walk and eat, with only 3 paws.  I intellectually know that she will be fine, thanks to all my new friends in this compassionate community, but I am still grieving the upcoming loss of her leg.  Al said that he will be able to “rationalize”  this amputation, by imagining that her leg was badly injured and this was our only option.  In other words, he, like me, have agonized over the fact that our choice was so hard.  She has a slow growing sarcoma, and we could feasibly wait – her leg looks perfectly fine and she has no visible pain.  The reason we have made this difficult decision to amputate now,  is because everyone says that this type of cancer is “insidious”, a word that scares the life out of me.  Again, I am reminded of my Dad.  He was the picture of health at age 84, when he was diagnosed with a fast growing lymphoma.  For some unknown reason, he had carefully ignored his warning sign symptoms.   I watched him basically, “die” for 7 months in pain and not quite himself.  It was one of the hardest times I have had to endure.  The thought of my sweet, YOUNG, little girl going through anything like this, is my motivation to get rid of the cancer before she would have to go through that same fate.  We have time now, so I am committed to use it wisely.  My son, Kyle, read a story from another loving cat owner, who chose to let her cat die naturally, thinking it was the right thing to do.  Sadly, she realized that this was not a good choice, and with great courage, wrote a blog to warn others not to follow her example.  The death that her cat had to experience was worse than she could have imagined.  These are our reasons, and hopefully, this will be what gives me strength in difficult weeks to come, along with the love from this community.  Today, I will commit to PREPARE, the best I can, since my husband is still recovering from his full hip replacement.  A heartfelt and warm thanks to all that have shared their stories with us.  You have been the cornerstone of my strength and I hope to be able to “give back”, once we get through the “storm” ahead.  Ironically, I live in Chicago, and we are in the middle of an actual SNOWSTORM here.  Even the universe has a sense of humor, LOL!  Now if only I could get mine back…..

11 Responses to “Tomorrow is my sweet Holly’s surgery day!”

  1. Hi there

    You will get your sense of humour back…trust me! My lab, Tucker, also had an invasive sarcoma. Earlier in 2013, Tuck has surgery to remove the sarcoma with the hope that it would grow back slowly (or never) and that the surgery was curative. Needless to say, the fact that I joined this wonderful community in September will tell you that the first surgery did not help Tuck and that the sarcoma grew back very quickly.

    The surgery tomorrow will free Holly of the cancer and she will adapt beautifully to her new reality! Sure there are days when we all wish that our pet could have been spared this reality but… time passes….I am really glad that Tuck was able to have the surgery….that he is still here with me to enjoy walks in the snow and visits to Grandma!

    Snuggle Holly lots today but know in your heart that you will be getting the same beautiful feline back after her surgery….but (hopefully)cancer free!


    Linda and Tucker

  2. Hi!! I have been on the road traveling for a wedding so I haven’t been able to respond. I am on my phone now bit wanted to answer your question about the cone. I did not keep the cone on Jill, I put her in a baby onesie however if she would have really gone after those stitches I would have so I would keep one just in case!

    • Dear Erica,

      Thanks so much for your response and hope you had a good time at the wedding. I know this is am imposition, but exactly how do I put the onsie on my cat? I bought one that is long sleeved with no legs and I can’t quite imaging how to put this on. I ? guess I am confused about how she will use the litter and will the onsie get soiled. I know, silly questions, but I am still very anxious.

      Thanks so much again,
      Karen, Holly’s nervous Mommy

  3. Well said…very nicely articulated.

    You’ve thought everything through thoroughlyso there’s no need to re-visit.

    You have come up with a plan that is inHOLLY’S best interest and, on animal instinctive level of connectin, she knows it.

    And you are a wonderful cornerstone yourself! Clearly you are a strong, compassinate loving soul. Your dad already new that though. He’s so proud of you:-) 🙂

    Yes, recovery’s a little rough for a bit, but once that’s done…my oh my…the joy that Miss Holly will have!! Nothing but loving and spoiling in the works for that kitty!

    HUGS toyou, your very kind son, your wonderfull hubby AND SUPERCAT HOLLY!!

    Sally and Happy Hannan

    • Thanks Sally and Happy Hannah, the name makes me smile so much! Tonight will be tough, but I know that there are many Angel Tripawds out there giving my Sweetie, lots of positive energy and blessings. I probably won’t get much sleep and will overthink the whole upcoming day. I really wish I could wish this all away, but I know that this is inevitable and I need to be strong and loving tomorrow. My 2 sons have gone through many surgeries, so you would think I would be ready for this, but this time, it is my little girl and she will lose her beautiful leg with the bit of white and flesh color fur on her toes. Keep Holly in your prayers.

      Karen, Holly’s Mommy

  4. Hello to Holly’s family. I know how hard this decision is. I found Tripawds March of last year when our old lady dog, Roxie, was diagnosed with bone cancer in her left rear leg and it was amputated. At the time we had our 11-ish-year old tripawd kitty, Trevor. We’d adopted him from a shelter in 2003, 2 months after he’d been found with his right rear leg mangled and the vet had donated her services to amputate the leg. After much persuading on my part to my husband (“I’m taking the day off to go get that kitty in can come if you don’t want me to bring home 9 more”), We brought home 2 – Trev needed a sis. Hubby was afraid the cat wouldn’t be able to get around – HAH!! He galloped and climbed and was the happiest soul I’ve ever met. He hung out with the dogs and he slept with our Roxie when we brought her home from her surgery. Unbelievably, a week later we said goodbye to him due to FIV, which he’d been carrying when he was found by the shelter folks, and it finally took its toll. He had many happy years and your Holly will, too. Cats are so good at hiding pain, especially feral cats, so it’s hard to know what she has been feeling – but that pain will be GONE.

    Sending prayers up for your dear Dad, and best wishes and strength for Holly tomorrow. We’re all keeping you in our hearts.

    -Liz and Angel Roxie and Spirit Trevor

    • Thanks Liz, Roxie and Trevor. You are a wonderful animal lover, and your prayers are very much appreciated. Somehow, I know you have direct access to the Pet Angels in heaven through your spirit kitty, Trevor. They say that humans come to the earth, even if for a short time, to do something, and I truly believe it is the same with our dear pets. In this case, your story about Trevor, and Roxie as well. Trevor’s life had meaning to you and now to me. Trevor is one of the many tripawd heroes that I have been so inspired by. You may be correct about the pain. Since her biopsy, she has been less playful, so maybe she was not feeling good, but today we start all over again and hopefully, she will recover quickly. I know that the many prayers from you and the many tripawd pawrents will make a BIG difference in her recovery. I have blocked out all my time for her from tomorrow on. Thanks and I will keep you all updated on her homecoming.

      With appreciation for your compassion,
      Karen, Holly’s Mom

  5. I know it’s SO HARD making this decision but I guarantee that it bothers you more than Holly. She just wants to be rid of that bad leg and get on with life. Once you see that you will know it was the best decision for her. She is young and spunky and strong, she has everything it takes to sail through recovery and continue living the good life. With you as her pawrent she can do that. Hang in there and good luck, please keep us posted.

    • Hi Jerry,

      I guess one cannot know how hard such a decision is, until they have been through this as you and all the tripawd owners have. An amazing coincidence happened today. My husband, Al, woke up after a sleepless night thinking about Holly’s upcoming surgery and second guessing our decision. At first, I was little upset, but without even a bit of doubt, I said that I KNEW it was the best thing for Holly. I guess I am more prepared than I think. After he met the surgeon, Dr. Abel, Al’s mind was put at rest. We drove separately, since he was returning to work after his hip surgery, so he hobbled to the door and there in the waiting room was a tripawd dog who had just had surgery a few months before. He looked great and the pawrent said that her dog could still outrun her. Al petted the dog and that was the coincidence or sign, that Holly would be ok. Sometimes, life can be so synchronized!! I am glad that little incident happened, and even though the hours I will wait until I hear from the doctor will drag, I can get through this.

      Thanks for the extra encouragement,
      Karen, Holly’s Mom patiently awaiting the call that she’s out of surgery and doing great!

      • Awww well that is a great coincidence and a great sign too! The Universe is working on your behalf, everything will be OK. Hang in there! And thank you for becoming a supporter, we are deeply grateful for your kindness during such a difficult time. xoxo

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Holly's journey to become a super tripawd kitty!! is brought to you by Tripawds.